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# mxedit.utils --
# This script defines basic editing operations for the mxedit widget.
# This has the core functionality of the editor. The procedures here
# rely on the global variable "mxedit" that identifies the file editing
# widget. This widget supports a couple dozen operations, and the
# procs in this file are layers on these operations. Many are thin
# layers that just hide the use of this global variable. Others are
# useful combinations of low-level edit operations. Finally, others
# are more complex layers that put up dialog boxes to handle error cases.
# Copyright (c) 1992 Xerox Corporation.
# Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
# upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
# derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
# control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation
# makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to
# any specification.
# Global variables that can be redefined by the user
# indent - the number of spaces for indentation
######################## FILE PROCEDURES ########################
# These procedures are layers on the raw mxedit commands
# write, reset, switch, quit
# that protect against losing modified files
# Ordinarily these file-related procedures are accessed via the File menu
# Most of these commands pop up dialog boxes to handle error conditions
# save [filename] --
# Write out the buffer to the current or named file
proc save { args } {
global mxedit file
if {[llength $args]>0} {
set filename [lindex $args 0]
saveInner $filename [list $mxedit write $filename]
} else {
saveInner $file [list $mxedit write]
# saveSel --
# Write out the file using the selection as the filename
proc saveSel { } {
global mxedit
if [catch {selection get} filename] {
mxFeedback $filename
} else {
saveInner $filename [list $mxedit write $filename]
# saveInner --
# Inner core of saving a file. This checks for write errors
# and puts up various dialog boxes to deal with them.
proc saveInner { file writeCommand } {
global mxedit
global paleBackground
mxFeedback "Writing $file ..." ; update
if [catch $writeCommand msg] {
mxFeedback $msg
case $msg in {
{{Cannot write*}} {
toplevel .writefailed -background $paleBackground
wm title .writefailed "$msg"
buttonFrame .writefailed .buttons
packedButton .writefailed.buttons .quit \
"Cannot save $file" \
"destroy .writefailed" left
placePopUp .writefailed center
{{File exists*}} {
toplevel .fileexists -background $paleBackground
wm title .fileexists "$msg"
buttonFrame .fileexists .buttons
packedButton .fileexists.buttons .skip \
"Skip command" \
"destroy .fileexists" left
packedButton .fileexists.buttons .write \
"Overwrite existing $file" \
"mxFeedback \"Writing $file\" ; \
$mxedit write $file force ; \
destroy .fileexists" left
placePopUp .fileexists center
{{File modified*}} {
toplevel .filemodified -background $paleBackground
wm title .filemodified "$msg"
buttonFrame .filemodified .buttons
packedButton .filemodified.buttons .skip \
"Skip command" "destroy .filemodified" left
packedButton .filemodified.buttons .write \
"Overwrite modified $file" \
"mxFeedback \"Writing $file\" ; \
$mxedit write $file force ; \
destroy .filemodified" left
placePopUp .filemodified center
default {
toplevel .badwrite -background $paleBackground
wm title .badwrite "$msg"
buttonFrame .badwrite .buttons
packedButton .badwrite.buttons .quit \
"Bad TCL write cmd for $file" \
"destroy .badwrite" left
placePopUp .badwrite center
return $msg
} else {
mxFeedback $msg
# reset --
# Reinitialize the contents of the mxedit window from the disk file.
proc reset { } {
global mxedit
if [catch {$mxedit written} msg] {
mxFeedback $msg
resetdialog $msg
return $msg
} else {
return [resetAlways]
# resetAlways --
proc resetAlways { } {
global mxedit
# Save the current position, even though it won't be perfect
# after the reset, it probably will be close
set _c [mark caret]
if [catch {$mxedit reset force} msg] {
return $msg
} else {
caret $_c
see caret
mxFeedback $msg
return $msg
# resetdialog --
proc resetdialog { msg } {
global mxedit
global paleBackground
toplevel .resetdialog -background $paleBackground
wm title .resetdialog $msg
wm transient .resetdialog
buttonFrame .resetdialog .buttons
packedButton .resetdialog.buttons .reset \
"Reset anyway" \
"resetAlways ; destroy .resetdialog" left
packedButton .resetdialog.buttons .skip \
"Skip command" "destroy .resetdialog" left
placePopUp .resetdialog center
# switch --
# Change to a different file
proc sw { filename } { switch $filename }
proc switch { filename } {
global mxedit
if [catch {$mxedit written} msg] {
mxFeedback $msg
switchdialog $msg $filename
} else {
switchAlways $filename
# switchAlways --
# Always switch files, even if the current on is dirty
# This procedure remembers the previous file and position
# for use with the switchBack command
proc switchAlways { filename } {
global mxedit
global file
global lastFile lastCaret
set _f $file
set _c [mark caret]
if [catch {$mxedit switch $filename force} msg] {
mxFeedback "Switch failed: $msg"
} else {
set lastFile $_f
set lastCaret $_c
mxFeedback $msg
return $msg
# switchBack --
# Switch back to the previous file
proc switchBack { } {
global lastFile lastCaret
if [catch {set lastFile}] {
mxFeedback "No previous file to switch back to"
} else {
set _p $lastCaret
switch $lastFile
caret $_p
see caret
# switchdialog --
proc switchdialog { msg filename } {
global mxedit
global paleBackground
toplevel .switchdialog -background $paleBackground
wm title .switchdialog $msg
wm transient .switchdialog
buttonFrame .switchdialog .buttons
packedButton .switchdialog.buttons .switch \
"Switch anyway" \
"switchAlways $filename ; destroy .switchdialog" left
packedButton .switchdialog.buttons .write \
"Save instead" \
"save ; destroy .switchdialog" left
packedButton .switchdialog.buttons .skip \
"Skip command" \
"destroy .switchdialog" left
placePopUp .switchdialog center
# quit --
# Quit the editing session. This checks against a modified file
# and puts up a dialog to ask confirmation in that case.
proc quit { } {
global mxedit
if [catch {$mxedit written} msg] {
mxFeedback $msg
quitdialog $msg
} else {
destroy .
# quitdialog --
proc quitdialog { msg } {
global mxedit
global paleBackground
toplevel .quitdialog -background $paleBackground
wm title .quitdialog $msg
wm transient .quitdialog
buttonFrame .quitdialog .buttons
packedButton .quitdialog.buttons .quit \
"Quit anyway" "destroy ." left
packedButton .quitdialog.buttons .write \
"Save instead" "save ; destroy .quitdialog" left
packedButton .quitdialog.buttons .skip \
"Skip command" "destroy .quitdialog" left
placePopUp .quitdialog center
# Provide an alias for mxopen
proc edit { args } {
mxFeedback "Edit $args"
eval "mxopen $args"
########################### EDIT PROCEDURES ###########################
# undo --
# Undo the previous editing command. mxedit provides a complete
# editing log so repeated invocations of undo keeps undoing more.
# Hint: to roll forward after undoing a lot, insert a space, then
# go back to using undo repeatedly. Go ahead, confuse yourself.
proc undo { } {
global mxedit
if [catch {$mxedit history next history [list $mxedit undo more]} msg] {
mxFeedback $msg
return $msg
# redo --
# Redo the previous editing sequence.
# Each sequence is delimited by mouse clicks;
# there are no explicit "start" and "stop" remembering commands.
# Note: redo depends on a call to
# $mxedit history on
# in order to turn history on
proc redo { } {
global mxedit history
if [catch {
$mxedit history add $history
$mxedit history ignore "eval $history"
} msg] {
mxFeedback $msg
return $msg
# delete --
# delete mark1 [mark2 [noviewchange]]
# Delete the specified region
proc delete { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit delete $args"
# deleteSel --
# Delete the selection
proc deleteSel { } {
if [catch {delete sel.left sel.right}] {
mxFeedback "nothing is selected in this file"
# deleteSave --
# Delete the selection and save it in a variable
proc deleteSave { } {
global _saved
if [mxselection here] {
set _saved [selection get]
delete sel.left sel.right
} else {
mxFeedback "Selection not in window"
# batchDelete --
# batchDelete uses the ! syntax to batch up a history log entry.
# This means that many deletes in a row are undone as one operation.
proc batchDelete { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit ! delete $args"
# deleteForwChar --
proc deleteForwChar { } {
batchDelete caret
# deleteBackChar --
proc deleteBackChar { } {
batchDelete [mark caret back 1 char]
# deleteBackWord --
proc deleteBackWord { } {
batchDelete [mark caret back 1 word] [mark caret back 1 char]
# deleteForwWord --
proc deleteForwWord { } {
batchDelete caret [mark [mark caret forw 1 word] back 1 char]
# deleteEndOfLine --
proc deleteEndOfLine { } {
if {[string compare [mark caret] [mark caret char -1]] != 0} {
delete caret [mark [mark caret char -1] back 1 char]
} else {
delete [mark caret]
# deleteLine --
proc deleteLine { } {
if {[string compare [mark caret] [mark caret char -1]] != 0} {
delete [mark caret char 0] [mark caret char -1]
} else {
delete [mark caret]
# moveSel --
# Move the selection to the insert pointselection
# TODO - figure out how to allow insertion of selections
# that contain escaped newlines while preserving the backslash
proc moveSel { } {
if [mxselection here] {
set _t [mark caret]
insert [selection get]
set _l [mark sel.left]
set _r [mark sel.right]
mxselection set $_t [mark caret back 1 char]
delete $_l $_r noviewchange
} else {
mxFeedback "selection not in this window"
# paste --
# Insert the selection at the insert point.
# In order to support things like OpenLook that have a cut-then-paste
# paradigm, we fall back to inserting the saved selection on the
# assumption that the user has done a recent cut. This only
# works within a single window, however...
# TODO - add support for the cut buffer to TK
proc paste { } {
if [catch {insert [selection get]}] {
# pasteSave --
# Insert the previously saved deletion
proc pasteSave { } {
global _saved
if [info exists _saved] {
insert $_saved
} else {
mxFeedback "no saved selection"
# openLineBelow --
proc openLineBelow { } {
caret [mark caret char -1]
# openLineAbove --
proc openLineAbove { } {
insert \n [mark caret char 0]
caret [mark [mark caret char 0] back 1 char]
# indentLine --
# indent the line with the caret
# A (user-settable) indent variable is used to control the amount
proc indentLine { } {
global indent
indent caret caret + $indent
# outdentLine --
# outdent the line with the caret
proc outdentLine { } {
global indent
indent caret caret - $indent
# indentSel --
# Indent the selected region
proc indentSel { } {
global indent
indent sel.left sel.right + $indent
# outdentSel --
# Outdent the selected region
proc outdentSel { } {
global indent
indent sel.left sel.right - $indent
# back1char --
# Move the insert point one character back
proc back1char { } {
caret [mark caret back 1 char]
see caret
# forw1char --
# Move the insert point one character forward
proc forw1char { } {
caret [mark caret forw 1 char]
see caret
# back1word --
# Move the insert point one word backward
proc back1word { } {
caret [mark caret back 1 word]
see caret
# forw1word --
# Move the insert point one word forward
proc forw1word { } {
caret [mark caret forw 1 word]
see caret
# nextline --
# Move the insert point to the begining of the next line
proc nextline {} {
caret [mark [mark caret forw 1 line] char 0]
see caret
# down1line --
# Move the insert point down one line, maintaining current column
set _lastPos 0.0
proc down1line { } {
global _lastPos _lastCol
if {[string compare $_lastPos [mark caret]] != 0} {
set _lastCol [column caret]
set _lastPos [mark [mark caret forw 1 line] column $_lastCol]
caret $_lastPos
see caret
return $_lastPos
# up1line --
# Move the insert point up 1 line
proc up1line { } {
global _lastPos _lastCol
if {[string compare $_lastPos [mark caret]] != 0} {
set _lastCol [column caret]
set _lastPos [mark [mark caret back 1 line] column $_lastCol]
caret $_lastPos
see caret
return $_lastPos
# beginOfLine --
# Move the caret to the beginning of the line
proc beginOfLine { } {
caret [mark caret char 0]
see caret
# endOfLine --
# Move the caret to the end of the line
proc endOfLine { } {
set _t [mark caret char -1]
if {[string compare [mark caret] $_t] == 0} {
set _t [mark [mark caret forw 1 line] char -1]
caret $_t
see caret
# pageUp --
# Move the caret up, towards the beginning of the file, one screen
proc pageUp { } {
scan [geometry] "%dx%d" _width _height
caret [mark caret back $_height lines]
see caret
# pageDown --
# Move the caret down, towards the end of the file, one screen
proc pageDown { } {
scan [geometry] "%dx%d" _width _height
caret [mark caret forw $_height lines]
see caret
######################### Basic mxedit Operations #########################
# These are top-level names that map down to widget-instance operations
# These top-level names are used in keystroke bindings.
# The level of indirection allows for easy renames to avoid conflicts
# and it provides a place for hooks added later.
# mxBind --
# This is what users should use to bind keystrokes to the edit window
proc mxBind { args } {
global mxedit
eval "bind $mxedit $args"
# caret --
# caret mark - this positions the insert caret
# caret display [block|caret] - change caret appearance
proc caret { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit caret $args"
# clean --
# Mark the file as clean - but don't really write out its contents
proc clean { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit clean $args"
# column --
# Return the column corresponding to the left edge of the
# character at the position indicated by mark.
proc column { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit column $args"
# control --
# control option string
# options:
# backslash -- replace non-printing chars with escape sequences
# binding -- returns a binding syntax for a string (broken)
# make -- folds ascii down to control
proc control { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit control $args"
# extract --
# extract mark1 [mark2]
# Return all the characters between two marks
proc extract { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit extract $args"
# history --
# remember actions for the puposes of redo
# Note this is different than the TCL history command
proc history { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit history $args"
# gridsize --
# Return a gridsize as determined from the font metrics. Used
# in conjuction with the "wm grid" command:
# eval "wm grid . $baseWidth $baseHeight [gridsize]
proc gridsize { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit gridsize $args"
# indent --
# indent mark1 mark2 [+|-] amount
proc indent { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit indent $args"
# insert --
# insert bytes [mark]
# Defaults to inserting at the caret
proc insert { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit insert $args"
# batchInsert --
# Use the ! syntax to batch up insertions
proc batchInsert { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit ! insert $args"
# mark --
# mark src op args
# Returns a position marker of the form lines.chars
# See the man page for details
proc mark { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit mark $args"
# newline --
# Insert a newline character and do auto indentation
proc newline { } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit newline "
# quote --
# Quote (insert) the next character, ignoring its binding.
proc quote { } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit quote "
# read --
# Read in the contents of a file
catch {rename read unixRead}
proc read { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit read $args"
# replace --
# replace [option args]
# replace range start stop [pattern string]
# replace selection string
# Replace the selection with a string,
# or do a replace within a range
# If there are no options, then the widget reaches out
# for the value of mxReplaceString
proc replace { args } {
global mxedit
catch {
global find mxReplaceString
set mxReplaceString [$find.replace.entry get]
if [catch "$mxedit replace $args" msg] {
mxFeedback "$msg"
# search --
# search [forward|backward] target
# if there is no target specified, then the widget reaches
# out for the mxSearchString variable
proc search { args } {
global mxedit
catch {
global find mxSearchString
set mxSearchString [$find.target.entry get]
if [catch "$mxedit search $args" msg] {
mxFeedback "$msg"
# see --
# see mark [[top|center|bottom]
# Adjust the view so the mark is visible
proc see { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit see $args"
# mxselection --
# mxselection get - identical to TK's selection command
# mxselection clear - clear this window's selection
# mxselection here - returns 1 if selection is in this window
# mxselection set mark1 [mark2]
proc mxselection { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit selection $args"
# applyToSelection --
# Apply a command to the current selection, catching errors.
proc applyToSelection { prefix } {
if [catch {selection get} sel] {
mxFeedback "$prefix: $sel"
} else {
return [eval [concat $prefix [list $sel]]]
# taginfo --
# Returns information from a tags file.
proc taginfo { name } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit taginfo $name"
# written --
# Raises an error if the file is dirty.
proc written { args } {
global mxedit
eval "$mxedit written $args"
############################### Callbacks ##########################
# If the following procedures are defined, they are invoked by
# the mxedit implementation to notify the script-level about
# internal state changes
# mxSizeChangeCallback --
# Called when the geometry of the window changes
# This is called as a result of ConfigureNotify X events,
# which are apparently only generated when the size changes,
# not the location.
proc mxSizeChangeCallback { } {
# mxFeedback "New geometry: [geometry] [winfo geometry .]"
# mxStateChangeCallback --
# Called when the clean/dirty state of the file changes
proc mxStateChangeCallback { } {
global file
mxNameWindow . $file
############################### Abbreviations #######################
# Very weak support for abbreviations that could ultimately be
# expanded to support editing modes (like C or M3 mode)
# mxAbbrev --
# Set up an abbreviation so that typing the short sequence
# is equivalent to the longer one.
proc mxAbbrev { abbrev args } {
mxBind $abbrev "delete caret \[mark caret back [expr [string length $abbrev]-1] chars\] ; insertWords $args"
# insertWords --
# Insert a bunch of words. This won't do the right thing with tabs.
proc insertWords { args } {
set space {}
foreach word $args {
batchInsert $space
batchInsert $word
set space " "
############################### Miscellany ##########################
# geometry --
# Set the window's X geometry
proc geometry { { xGeometry none } } {
if { [string compare $xGeometry none] == 0} {
return [wm geometry .]
} else {
return [wm geometry . $xGeometry]
# screenwidth --
# Return the width of the screen
proc screenwidth {} {
global mxedit
return [winfo screenwidth $mxedit]
# screenheight --
# Return the height of the screen
proc screenheight {} {
global mxedit
return [winfo screenheight $mxedit]
# line --
# Make a particular line visible
proc line { i } {
if {[scan $i %d _t] != 1} {error [format {bad line number "%s"} $i]}
set _t [format %d.0 $i]
see $_t
mxselection set $_t [mark $_t char -1]
caret $_t
# tag --
# Switch files and tag to the given name.
proc tag { name } {
global mxedit
if [catch {taginfo $name} i] {
mxFeedback $i
} else {
switch [lindex $i 0]
search forw [lindex $i 1]
# tagOpen --
# Open a new window and tag to the given name.
proc tagOpen { name } {
global mxedit
if [catch {taginfo $name} i] {
mxFeedback "$i"
} else {
set newWindow [mxopen [lindex $i 0]]
send $newWindow "search forw \{[lindex $i 1]\}"
# caretInfo --
# Returns lines and caret information
proc caretInfo { } {
global file
scan [mark eof] %d _t
scan [mark caret] %d _t2
return [format {\"%s\" : %d total lines, caret on line %d} $file $_t $_t2]
proc showProcs {args} {
set newWindow [mxopen {}]
send $newWindow {insert Procedure\ information:\n}
send $newWindow {insert ---------\ -----------}
if {[llength $args] == 0} {set args [lsort [info procs]]}
foreach proc $args {
set space {}
send $newWindow [list insert [format \n\n%s( $proc]]
send $newWindow clean
foreach param [info args $proc] {
send $newWindow [list insert [format %s%s $space $param]]
set space {, }
if [info default $proc $param default] {
send $newWindow [list insert [format { [%s]} $default]]
send $newWindow {insert ):\n}
send $newWindow [list insert [info body $proc]]
send $newWindow clean
send $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc showVars {args} {
set newWindow [mxopen {}]
send $newWindow {insert Variable\ values:\n}
send $newWindow {insert --------\ -------\n}
set _maxLength 10
if {[llength $args] == 0} {set args [lsort [uplevel #0 {info vars}]]}
foreach _i $args {
if {[string length $_i] > $_maxLength} {
set _maxLength [string length $_i]
set _maxLength [expr $_maxLength+6]
set format "\\n%-${_maxLength}s = \"%s\""
foreach _i $args {
if [catch {uplevel #0 "set $_i"} value] {
# The variable is probably an array
set _maxLength 10
if {[catch {lsort [uplevel #0 "array names $_i"]} names] == 0} {
# foreach _j $names {
# if {[string length $_j] > $_maxLength} {
# set _maxLength [string length $_j]
# }
# }
# set _maxLength [expr $_maxLength+[string length $_i]+2]
# set format2 "\\n%-${_maxLength}s = \"%s\""
set format2 $format
foreach _j $names {
if {[catch {uplevel #0 "set ${_i}($_j)"} value] == 0} {
send $newWindow [list insert \
[format $format2 \
[format "%s(%s)" $_i $_j] $value]]
} else {
send $newWindow [list insert [format $format $_i $value]]
send $newWindow clean
send $newWindow {see 0.0}
# placePopUp -
# Place a popup relative to its parent window
proc placePopUp { widget {where center} } {
global mxedit
if {[string compare [screenwidth] unknown] == 0} {
set screenWidth [lindex [exec xwininfo -root | egrep Width:] 2]
set screenHeight [lindex [exec xwininfo -root | egrep Height:] 2]
scan [wm geometry .] "%dx%d+%d+%d" charsWide linesHigh xoff yoff
# puts stderr "Geometry $charsWide $linesHigh $xoff $yoff"
set gridWidth [lindex [$mxedit gridsize] 0]
set gridHeight [lindex [$mxedit gridsize] 1]
set mainWidth [expr {$charsWide * $gridWidth}]
set mainHeight [expr {$linesHigh * $gridHeight}]
wm withdraw $widget
scan [wm geometry $widget] "%dx%d" itsWidth itsHeight
# puts stderr "Its $itsWidth $itsHeight"
set leftRoom $xoff
set rightRoom [expr {[screenwidth] - $xoff - $mainWidth}]
set topRoom $yoff
set bottomRoom [expr {[screenheight] - $yoff - $mainHeight}]
case $where in {
"off" {
# puts stderr "placePopUp " nonewline
if {$leftRoom > $rightRoom} {
set itsXoff [expr {$xoff - $itsWidth}]
if {$itsXoff < 0} {
set itsXoff 0
# puts stderr "left $itsXoff " nonewline
} else {
set itsXoff [expr {$xoff + $mainWidth}]
if {[expr {$itsXoff + $itsWidth}] > [screenwidth]} {
set itsXoff [expr {[screenwidth] - $itsWidth}]
# puts stderr "right $itsXoff " nonewline
if {$topRoom > $bottomRoom} {
set itsYoff [expr {$yoff - $itsHeight}]
if {$itsYoff < 0} {
set itsYoff 0
# puts stderr "top $itsYoff " nonewline
} else {
set itsYoff [expr {$yoff + $mainHeight}]
if {[expr {$itsYoff + $itsHeight}] > [screenheight]} {
set itsYoff [expr {[screenheight] - $itsHeight}]
# puts stderr "bottom $itsYoff " nonewline
{ default center } {
if {[string compare $where center] == 0} {
set itsXoff [expr {$xoff + ($mainWidth - $itsWidth) / 2}]
set itsYoff [expr {$yoff + ($mainHeight - $itsHeight) / 2}]
wm geometry $widget +${itsXoff}+${itsYoff}
wm deiconify $widget